About Us
Corporate Profile
- Name
- Asahi Advertising Inc.
- Founded in
- November 1924
- Billings (FY 2023)
- JPY 43.6 billion (USD 288.1 Million)
JPY 49.6 billion(USD 327.8 Million)
including group advertising agencies
USD1.00 = JPY151.31 as of March 29,2024
- Address
- G7 Bldg., 7-16-12, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- Number of employees
- 406(as of April,2024)
- National network
- National network 5 offices and 13 affiliates throughout Japan
- The Asahi Shimbun Group
- Approximately 100 companies in the Asahi Shimbun Group
Participation in the United Nations Global Compact
Asahi Advertising Inc. participates in the United Nations Global Compact from January 2023
as a member of the global society aiming for sustainable development.

Key Facts
Founded in 1924
Asahi Advertising Inc., was established as the advertising agency for Asahi Shimbun in the Taisho era at the dawn of advertising business in Japan. The company later expanded operations to provide various publicity solutions and became a comprehensive advertising company during Japan’s economic boom.
In approaching the centennial anniversary in 2024, Asahi Advertising Inc. now embarks on new challenges with the latest management identity as a “Communication Science Company.” Asahi Advertising Inc. creates rich ‘connections’ between business, individuals and the society by precisely adapting to changes in communication environment, and by providing individualized solutions in a wide range of communication fields starting with mass media such as newspaper and TV, and in the digital arena, creative arena and the sales promotion arena.
Strong Media Group
As the main advertising agency of the Asahi Shimbun and TV Asahi Media Group, one of the largest in the Japanese media industry, we provide communication services to our clients utilizing the media power of our group.
Our member companies closely cooperate with each other in a wide range of business fields such as mass media including newspaper, broadcasts, magazines, as well as project organization including events hosting, and digital services.

The Asahi Shimbun is one of Japan’s leading quality newspapers which has won “Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association Award,” an equivalent of Japan’s Pulitzer Prize for newspaper publishing companies, the most number of times among the three major national dailies for its excellent reporting.

TV Asahi is a major broadcaster with 23 local affiliates that extend coverage across the entire Japanese archipelago. Its global network of 12 bureaus abroad ensures speedy news gathering from all over the world. TV Asahi has been pioneers in the application of satellite technology in broadcasting in Japan, and will continue to take up new challenges that will keep them at the frontier of broadcasting.
Extensive Network in Japan
We have in total 18 offices and affiliates throughout Japan. Our network in Japan is one of the largest domestic network in the advertising industry, which cooperate closely with each other to support our clients’ diverse needs including various promotion events, and nationwide campaigns.